Monday, August 23, 2010

Menu Monday

Monday: hamburgers
Tuesday: Beef Tacos
Wednesday: leftovers
Thursday: Bacon Fried Rice
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Stuffed Artichokes
Sunday: Chicken Fried Rice

As always, if you are interested in recipes please comment and I will post the recipe

Boutique Announcement

I'm back!!! Yay, the baby shower is finally over. I loved doing all the fun things for it, but it's nice to be back to normal- whatever that is... I decided that the best way to get back into blogging is to make an announcement. I've decided that I am going to start offering Baby B Boutique parties and bow making classes. Please contact me if you are interested in hosting a party or learning how to make adorable bows.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Crazy busy summer days

Yes it has been forever since my last post. I know... I've just not had a desire to blog lately. I've been crazy busy since I came back from my parents. Keeping the house clean, entertaining kids- without going outside, watching nieces and a nephew for a weekend, our 6th wedding anniversary, getting ready for my sister-in-laws baby shower and my birthday. The baby shower has been taking the most of my free time because I volunteered to make quite a bit of it. So far I've made invites, bows, headbands and some other things that I won't talk about until after next Saturday since I don't want to risk my sister-in-law seeing or reading about anything before the shower. When things calm down a bit I'll post some of the pictures of our trip to my parents.